Building documentation with attendance recording
Creating transparency – with OPTICON.Time
Real-time evaluation and construction documentation of your construction site wirelessly and from anywhere: OPTICON.SITE combines master data collection with state-of-the-art RFID technology in one system. This provides your construction site with a comprehensive digital tool for a customs-compliant evaluation of your construction site with all attendances to companies and employees over the entire construction period. Enjoy the advantages of a construction diary that almost writes itself now and rely on OPTICON.Time.
Presence digital and in real time
Thanks to radio technology and secure RFID technology, all persons present on the construction site are recorded without wires: The OPTICON.SITE terminal documents the use of individual construction site badges in the system and ensures complete digital traceability of all attendance data. OPTICON.Time shows companies, employees and first aiders present transparently and in real time.

Verify documents in a customs-safe manner
Customs-compliant construction documentation requires visual checks of valid credentials and the recording of the minimum wage receipt of employees on German construction sites: With Time, all of this is recorded digitally for each employee. This ensures compliance with current regulations and the minimum wage law on your construction site and proactively prevents moonlighting.
Paperless evaluationung
With exportable reports as Excel or PDF files, the building owner and the security guard can check presences, manpower levels, missing documents, visitors and much more at any time to see whether all the required evidence has been provided. With OPTICON.Time, your construction site becomes evaluable, plannable and the construction documentation simple and freely designable.